AC (Alternating Current) signal is commonly used format in most of the electrical systems. But when it comes to electronics, DC (Direct Current) plays major role. However it is necessary to understand about AC signal.
AC Signal components:
Frequency (f):
AC signal propagates in cyclic form with positive cycle and negative cycle. The measure of how fast this cycle repeats is called as frequency, and it is the inverse of time required to complete a cycle.
Frequency (f) = 1/Time required to complete a cycle
The unit for frequency is Hertz (Hz).
If an AC signal frequency is 50 Hz. Then time required to complete one cycle is T = 1/f =>0.02 Sec.
Average Value:
Average value of an AC signal is zero, because it has both positive and negative peaks.
RMS Voltage (Vrms):
RMS (Root Mean Square) value is the effective value of a varying voltage or current. It can be considered as the equivalent DC value which gives same effect. Multimeter measures the RMS value of AC signal.
Vrms = (1/√2)*Vp = 0.707*Vp
How to draw a 230V AC Signal:
Vrms = 230V
So, Vp = √2*Vrms = √2*230 = 325 V
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