
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Basic laws of Electronics

This post is about refreshing some of the basics concepts in electronics which is being used by all electronic designers in daily work,

Ohm’s Law:

The amount of current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across it for any given temperature.

Polarity of Voltage drop:
  • Polarity of voltage drop is determined by the direction of flow of electrons.
  • Negative (-ve) for electron entering
  • Positive (+ve) for electron exiting

Kirchoff’s Voltage Law:
  • Algebraic some of all voltages in a loop is equal to zero.

Kirchoff’s Current Law:

  •  Algebraic some of all currents entering and exiting a node is equal to zero.

 Voltage Divider Rule:
  • The source voltage (V) is divided across the resistors and the voltage drop across a particular resistor (Rx) is given as below,
 Vx = V*(Rx/Rt)

Rt = Total Resistance
Vx = Voltage across the Resistor Rx

Current Divider Rule:
  • The current (I) is divided among branches in a parallel circuit.The current in a particular branch is calculated as below,

In the reference Fig. current through R1 is calculated.

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